Program Catalogue




One-cycle undergraduate educational program "Dentistry" of BAU International University, Batumi is based on the field benchmark of ADEE (Association of Dental Education in Europe) for “Graduating European Dentist” and it considers the context of national sector of higher dental education and the labor market. The program was designed with the experience of Queen Mary University School of dentistry in the United Kingdom and the Faculty of Dentistry at Istanbul Bahçeşehir University, in Turkey. The one-step dentistry curriculum complies with the ADEE's standard and sectoral characteristics developed by the abovementioned organization, while the required volume of biomedical and clinical medicine components of the program meet the National Higher Education Sector Orientation (NSBHEM) requirements. Each component of the program is designed for different levels of teaching, to develop the various competencies.

The framework of the learning outcomes of the BAU Batumi International University Education Program of Dentistry is the adaptation of the field educational standards and current competencies developed by the European Association of Dental Education in the Georgian educational space, taking into account the National Qualifications Framework of Georgia, which in the future maty become the basis for the development of national sectoral benchmark of the field of dentistry.

mproving the quality of medical services and healthcare has become a top priority for the modern world. In this regard, improving the medical educaton, including dental medicine is an important task for many countries including Georgia. Oral health affects not only the physical but also the psychosocial conditon of a person. Dentstry is a very rapidly evolving field and it responds adequately to scientfic and technological advances. This in turn leads to the introducton of new treatment methods and guidelines. A clear cut example of this is periosurgery, digital dentstry, implantaton using digital templates and many more. Awareness raising in patents has changed the aƫtude towards dentstry. Modern dentstry is not only one of the most important links for general health improving the quality of life, but it also has a great aesthetc value. An increase in demand for the dental services has led to the glutted market which consequently increased demand for qualified staff

Irakli Chachua

PDMD - Head of Dentistry program

Iincrease in the number of dental programs and graduates and the need to teach new advances in dentstry is a challenge to the quality of modern dental higher educaton programs. BAU Internatonal University, Batumi aims at developing the field of healthcare by training compettve alumni worldwide, including in the field of dental medicine, based on the best internatonal practce which is directly in line with the University's mission



Program Name: DENTISTRY
Qualification: Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
Educational unit: School of Medicine and Healthcare Sciences
Educational unit: School of Medicine and Healthcare Sciences
Direction: 09 Healthcare, social welfare
Specialty: 091 Healthcare
Specialization: 0911 Dental Medicine
Qualification code: 0911.1.1
Program Level: One-cycle Higher Educational Program Equal to Level VII of European Qualificati on Framework
Language of instruction: ENGLISH
Program Duration: 5 Academic Year
Program volume: 300 ECTS, 9000 Academic hours
Academic Workload: Contact: 4 797 hours of mandatory courses Independent Work: 3 813 hours Elective Courses: 390 hours Student's daily academic workload estimate: 6-7 hours

Authorized by Decision N689586 of Higher Educational Instituons Authorization Council of National Center of Education Quality Enhancement of Georgia on 8 of July 2021


The Mission of the Program

The mission of the one-step dental education program is to implement innovative teaching approaches and technology-based education in the field of dentistry to prepare a competitive graduate to the international education and labor market.


Program Goals and Objectives

The goal of the dental education program is to prepare a highly qualified, competent dentist in accordance with the international standard of dental education, with fundamental theoretical and evidence-based scientific knowledge, innovative-technological visions of its implementation in practice and with important practical and clinical skills, who will be competitive on a national as well as international level in terms of employment or further study. The program focuses on the formation of professional and liberal values that will help graduates integrate into the world of education and healthcare community.

The objective of the program is to train an active member of the dental team with effective leadership and communicative skills in the professional field, who will understand the role of the dentist in the public health system at the regional, state and international level and based on all these, form appropriate professional values, accountability and critical self-esteem.

The key task of the program is to equip a person with a wide range of knowledge in preventive measures for oral disease and the ability to carry them out; to train an individual in all areas of dentistry with the ability to develop an appropriate treatment plan using modern etiological factors, clinical picture, differential diagnosis and guidelines and the ability to maintain the achieved results.

The program is focused on developing professional and ethical values in students, including a research component and a constant strive to grow professionally, which is a key basis for the healthcare professional.

The one-cycle educational program in Dentistry provides the implementation of the mission of the University which focuses on promoting and improving public health approaches by introducing high scientific and ethical standards of health education, offering new teaching methods, and constantly developing modern educational approaches through the training of professionals in the field



The educational program "Dentistry" provides horizontally integrated transdisciplinary modules of medical-biological components and continuing education courses in medicine, dentistry and elective (both dental and non-dental) directions. The program, is based on the logical and consistent integration of norm and pathology according to organ systems and basic and clinical subjects. The curriculum develops from simple to complex and the courses are organized on the principle of building on each other, with a system of logically assembled prerequisites.

Biomedical Component

The biomedical and clinical medicine components of the Dental Program meet the orientation requirements of the National Higher Education Sector (NSBHEM) to the extent necessary. Each component of the program is designed to build a variety of competences at a different level of tuition. Each module/block of the first academic year MED1001-MED1008 includes disciplines of different natural sciences. The topics or issues in the module are organized according to organ systems in such a way that the student acquires theoretical knowledge around a specific topic from the perspective of various biomedical disciplines. In addition, the blocks integrate vertically clinical issues that are accumulated through PBL cases. Problem-based teaching (PBL) and case-based teaching (CBL) methods are actively applied throughout the program, especially in the interdisciplinary modules MED1001- MED1008, DEN2001 and DEN2003, which enhance the integration of learning. This format eliminates the possibility of knowledge fragmentation and ensures the development of independent clinical thinking and communication skills at an early stage of learning. The PBL session involves 7-10 students working around one problem under the supervision of a facilitator. Effective teamwork is an important part of PBL, as well as finding resources independently, setting your own learning goals, being able to learn independently and presenting your own conclusions to the group will help the student to apply the knowledge in practice and develop communication skills. From the second year of education, the study of pathological processes and factors based on organ systems is launched, which is the basis of diseases and is built on the knowledge of the already existing norm, taking into account the health of the oral cavity. In the third-fourth year of tuition, the program "Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5" provides the study of the medical disciplines that are necessary for the dentist in terms of knowledge of systemic diseases. Also, in the direction of patient management, in case of allergic reaction to anesthetics, emergency care and other medical theoretical or practical knowledge related to oral health.


Communication Skills

Communication Skills are vertically integrated in the program in the first academic year through the courses of "Communication Skills and Academic Reporting 1 and 2" and "Philosophy and Ethics in Medicine 1 and 2", in which role-playing games and case studies allow the student to study the elements of both verbal and written communication with different types of patients, colleagues, family members. These elements are essential in communicating in the medical field. The same issues are deepened in the second academic year in the "Basics of Good Medical Practice", and communication and behavioral skills are further developed through an introductory course in Sociology and Psychology and a course in Behavior Science. A foreign student studies Georgian Language with 22 credits and a Georgian student studying German or Turkish with 12 credits also to deepen their communication skills, which will help them communicate with the patient during the clinical internship. Subject communication course "Communication and teamwork in the dental office" serves to develop field communication skills from the third academic year. Of course, other field teaching courses also provide a certain dose of skills to communicate with the patient and not just the patient.


Teaching In Simulation Environment

1129 hours in the program are devoted to simulation (teaching in a simulated environment - TSE) and teaching in a clinical environment (TCE). The program from the beginning (still in the first year modules) is focused on the development of clinical practical skills. In the simulation environment, students work on cadavers and anatomical models in the anatomical mannequin and cadaver laboratory within the 15 courses of anatomy and clinical anatomy. Mannequins and simulators are then used to build clinical skills in the "Fundamentals of Good Medical Practice" course training in a simulated format at the OSCE and Clinical Skills Center. From the fourth semester, students start working on phantoms and prostheses (in the Clinical and Professional Dental Skills Laboratory, the Dental Prosthetics Technical Laboratory, and the Dental Clinic Simulation Laboratory) and directly develop dental clinical skills.


Clinical Teaching

Adaptation to the clinical environment begins in the first year of study in the form of clinical visits, during which the student spends some time in the clinic to get acquainted with the clinical environment and to adapt to the medical / dental team and later, as a result of rotations in the clinic during the senior years, the student is able to understand how the skills mastered in the simulation environment can be applied to the patient in the clinic and reinforce these skills in a real-world relationship with the patient. During the clinical internship in the last year of study, which is awarded 8 credits, each student is individually given the opportunity to assist the dentist in the clinic. Clinical training is built into almost all clinical training courses and is completed through clinical practice, with a total of 511 contact hours of clinical training. Most medical as well as dental clinical training courses are conducted on a rotational basis with the duration of a minimum of one and a maximum of 6 weeks.


Development Of Scientific-Research Skills

A modern dentist is unthinkable without scientific-research skills. The existing program provides the development of skills needed for scientific research from the very first year of teaching through “Communication Skills and Academic Reporting", "Scientific Research Skills", "Research Methodology and Biostatistics", "Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine", "Evidence Based Dentistry" and completes and defends a research project in the final semester. The research component of the program allows students to learn and master scientific research methods, get used to the effective use of scientific sources, be able to analyze research results, and gradually improve their research skills. Students learn the evidence-based approach and critical analysis of information as well as research planning, conducting, writing, and presenting research. The research component holds 21 credits in the program.


Dental Component


Sector-oriented courses start from the second year of teaching through integrated courses in clinical anatomy and physiological processes of the oral and maxillofacial organs. In the same year, the theoretical-practical teaching of oral diseases and appropriate manipulations for their treatment begins, such as: types of anesthesia in dentistry and their practical use, selection and use of surgical instruments, knowledge of appropriate methods and materials for therapeutic treatment of diseases. This theoretical-practical knowledge is a prerequisite for the student to study the correct diagnosis of diseases of different severity in the following semesters and to study the appropriate medical manipulations.


The teaching of basic dental diseases in the program starts from the third year of teaching. The student will study caries, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and jaw, their etiology, clinical picture, differential diagnosis and treatment methods, therapeutic and surgical methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases, including the treatment of dental canals; the basics of diseases of the oral mucosa of children and adolescents; In the same year, the introductory part of oral prosthetics is considered, which deals with the issues of materials science for prosthetics. Within the third year, the theoretical-practical knowledge gained in the second year of teaching is deepened with teaching on phantoms in a simulated environment. In addition to the fundamental field related issues, the student masters the skills of effective communication with the dental team within the dental clinic.


In the fourth year of the study students deal with the etiology, clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of more complex and complex lesions and diseases of the hard and soft tissues of the maxillofacial system (pathology of the mandibular joint, trauma of the jaw and teeth, occlusal anomalies, restoration of missing teeth). Also, the latest methods of their therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic and orthopedic treatment are taught and their practice is strengthened in both simulated and clinical environments. These knowledge and skills form the basis for the student to be able to perform restorative manipulations of the pathological condition obtained as a result of oral and maxillofacial diseases in the final year


In the fifth year of study, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge for the treatment of compound and complex diseases such as: diseases and infections of the oral mucosa, tumors of the mouth and jaw; In addition, the program provides a study of restorative manipulations, such as implantation, fixed and removable prosthetics, orthodontic treatment of the jaw-face and mouth, and more. The course of "Clinical Pharmacology", which is taught in the same year, allows the student to master the pharmacotherapeutic knowledge required for the non-invasive treatment of oral and maxillofacial diseases, which is also important for maintaining the postoperative outcome and selecting the course of personalized treatment.

Dentistry Program Curriculum 2022-2026

CODE COURSE NAME M I sem II sem ECTS Prerequisites
MEDC1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I M 4     NO
MED1001 Molecular Basis of Cell M 5     NO
MED1003 Cell, Tissue and Organ Systems M 5     NO
MED1005 Musculoskeletal System M 7     NO
MED1007 Cardiovascular and Respiratory System M 7     NO
MED1011 Philosophy and Ethics in Medicine I M 2     NO
MEDC1004 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting II M   4   NO
MED1002 Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism M   6   NO
MED1004 Urogenital System M   6   NO
MED1006 Nervous System M   6   NO
MED1008 Sensory Organs and Endocrine System M   6   NO
MED1012 Philosophy and Ethics in Medicine II M   2   NO
Total ECTS credits (Mandatory courses) 30 30 60  
TTotal ECTS credits (Elective courses) 0 0 0  
1st Year Total ECTS     60  
CODE COURSE NAME M III sem IV sem ECTS Prerequisites
DEN2001 Biological Basics of Diseases I M 6     MED1001-1008
DEN2003 Biological Basics of Diseases II M 6     MED1001-1008
DEN2005 Surgical Anatomy of Head & Neck Area M 3     MED1001-1008
MED2007 Basics of Good Medical Practice M 5     NO
GEO2009* Georgian Language I/Elect.Language I* M 6     NO
DEN2002 Dental Anatomy & Occlusion (preclinical odontology) M 4     MED1005-1008
DEN2004 Prophylaxis of Dental Diseases M   3   DEN2005
DEN2006 Therapeutic Dentsitry I (Propaedeutics 1) M   4   DEN2002
DEN2008 Oral Surgery - I M   4   DEN2005
NMED2014 Introduction to Sociology and Psychology M   2   NO
MED5019 Scientific-Research Skills M   3   NO
NDEN2010 Behavioral Sciences, Health Education & Health Promotion M   4   NO
GEO2010* Georgian Language II/Elect. Language II* M   6   GEO2009
Total ECTS credits (Mandatory courses) 30 26 56  
Total ECTS credits (Elective courses) 0/6* 4/6* 4/6*  
2st Year Total ECTS     60  
CODE COURSE NAME M V sem VI sem ECTS Prerequisites
DEN3001 Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry I M 4     DEN2001; DEN2003
DEN3011 Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry II M 4     DEN2001; DEN2003
DEN3003 Therapeutic Dentistry - II (Cariesology) M 4     DEN2006
GEO3011* Georgian Language III/Elective M 5     GEO2010
NMED3005* Legal Aspects of Healthcare M 2     NO
MED3007 Research Methodology and Biostatistics M 2     MED5019
MED3009 Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine M   2   NO
DEN3007 Oral Surgery - II (Oral Medicine) M   5   DEN2008
DEN3002 Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry III M   4   DEN2003
DEN3004 Therapeutic Dentistry - III (Propaedeutics of Endodontics) M   5   DEN3003
DEN3006 Pediatric Dentistry- I (Cariology-Endodontics) M   5   DEN3003
DEN3008 Prosthodontics - I (Propaedeutics) M   4   DEN2002
DEN3010 Communcation & Team work in Dental Office M   2   MEDC1003; NMED2014
GEO3016 Georgian Language IV/Elective M   5   GEO3011
Total ECTS credits (Mandatory courses) 30 25 55  
Total ECTS credits (Elective courses) 5* 4/5* 4/10*  
3st Year Total ECTS     60  
CODE COURSE NAME M VII sem VIII sem ECTS Prerequisites
DEN4001 Prosthodontics - II (Fixed Prosthodontics) M 4     DEN3008
DEN4003 Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry IV M 4     MED1006
DEN4005 Therapeutic Dentistry - IV (Endodontics/preclinical) M 7     DEN3004
DEN4007 Oral Surgery - III (TMJ - Oral & Maxillofacial Traumatology ) M 4     DEN3007
DEN4009 Pediatric Dentistry- II(Diseases & Infections of oral mucosa) M 6     DEN3006
DEN4011 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics I (propaedeutics) M 3     DEN2002
DEN4013 Evidence Based Dentistry M   2   MED3007
DEN4002 Clinical Medical Sciences in Dentistry V M   5   DEN2001, DEN2003
DEN4004 Prosthodontics - III (Fixed Prosthodontics) M   5   DEN4001
DEN4006 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics II (Diagnostics and orthodontic appliances) M   5   DEN4011
DEN4008 Therapeutic Dentistry - V (Propaedeutics of Periodontology) M   4   DEN4005
DEN4010 Public Health in Dentistry M   4   NDEN2010
DEN4012 Geriatric Dentistry M   3   DEN2005; DEN2002
Total ECTS credits (Mandatory courses) 30 26 56  
Total ECTS credits (Elective courses) 0 4 4  
4st Year Total ECTS     60  
CODE COURSE NAME M IX sem X sem ECTS Prerequisites
DEN5001 Therapeutic Dentistry - VI (Clinical Periodontology) M 4     DEN4010
DEN5003 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics III (Craniofacial anomalies) M 4     DEN4006
DEN5005 Maxillofacial Oncology and Prosthetics M 4     DEN4007
DEN5007 Prosthodontics - IV ( Prostodontics Removable) M 4     DEN4004
DEN5009 Basic of Forensic Medicine M 3     DEN3001, DEN3002, DEN3011
DEN5011 Oral Surgery IV (Periodontal Surgery) M 4     DEN4007
DEN5013 Essential of Dental Office Management M 2     DEN3010
DEN5015 Clinical Pharmacology for Dentistry M 3     DEN2001-2003
DEN5002 Therapeutic Dentistry VII (Diseases & Infections of oral mucosa) M   4   DEN5001
DEN5004 Pediatric Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery M   3   DEN5011
DEN5006 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics IV (Adult orthodontics) M   4   DEN5003
DEN5008 Oral Implantology M   3   DEN5011
DEN5010 Dental Scientific Project M   10   DEN4013
DEN5012 Internship (Therapeutics Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Prosthtodontics, Dental Office Managenment) M   8   DEN5001; DEN5007; DEN5011; DEN5013
Total ECTS credits (Mandatory courses) 28 32 60  
Total ECTS credits (Elective courses) 0 0 0  
5st Year Total ECTS     60  
* For foreign students, Georgian Language is mandatory.Georgian students can ellect GER/TUR/ENG foreign languages.

Clinical Practice

The clinical practice covered in the 10th semester of the program includes key areas of dentistry, in particular: therapy, orthopedics, oral surgery. Also, this course covers the practical part of managing a dental office. The course reinforces existing theoretical knowledge and practical skills mastered in a simulation environment with a real patient and dental team in a clinical setting.



The program is also focused on personal and professional development. In this regard, student activities and achievements during the study are accumulated in a portfolio that is student-centered and through constant feedback contributes to his / her professional growth and assesses the basic competencies, self-assessment and lifelong learning skills of the dentist. This format allows for student formative assessment and provides regular feedback between a teacher and a student. The portfolio includes three different areas:

1. Extracurricular activity of the student, which reflects the student's achievements; Certificates of conference, training and other activities attended; Involvement in university activities and additional clinical activity.
2. Case Presentation - Each student is required to process one actual clinical case once a semester during clinical visits or internships and present it to a mentor and commission.
3. Student Self-Assessment - Once a semester, teachers assess their students while the student conducts a self-assessment. Based on the teacher evaluation summary, the tutor provides feedback and outlines a development plan for each student. In addition, the mentor fills in information about the activity of a particular student in clinical practice.


Elective Component

In addition to the basic training courses, the program provides sectoral and non-sectoral elective courses such as "Ergonomics in Dentistry", "Dental Implantation", "Use of Information Technologies in Dentistry", "Laser Therapy and Dental Photography".



The learning outcomes of the program are in line with the objectives of the program, the content of its mandatory learning components, the findings of national or international good practice analysis, the competencies set out in the framework of sectoral document of the European Association of Dental Education and the requirements of the National Qualifications' Framework for a graduated dentist.

The learning outcomes of the program are grouped according to 4 main domains:

Ethics,Effective leadership and communication, Regulation and accountability, Critical self-assessment Understanding biological processes in the body,Bio-medical basics of oral health Behavior management, Clinical information gathering and diagnosis, Treatment planning, establishing and maintaining oral health Public health problems, Need to promote healthcare, Importance and limitations of behavior change
Knowledge, skills and responsibilities developed by the graduate in professional and business ethics, effective communication with the patient, his/her carer, dental team members and other healthcare professionals, knowledge of field rules and professional accountability, identification of critical awareness of their own capacity to distinguish the skills section Development of in-depth knowledge of the systemic basis of the body's diseases and the scientific basis of the dental field, the evaluation of evidence-based information and decision-making skills, the implementation of effective clinical management in patient care Clinical data collection and defines development of abilities of differentiated diagnosis, treatment planning for the patient with various needs and development of theoretical basis and practical/clinical skills for oral health maintenance. In-depth study of the public effects of oral health care and their impact on their quality of life, the development of professional advocacy skills for a healthy lifestyle, and a broader understanding of the effects of one's own professional activities.

Besides field related domains, general outcomes, defining cross-curricular competencies, such as abilities to manage, analyze and synthesize information, renew learning and react to changed situations are described in Domain of General Outcomes.




Recognizes the health care of members of the community as one's own professional privilege - understands the ethical principles of health care and acts accordingly at all times and in all situations, taking into account the needs and the interests of the patient. Acts in accordance with ethical principles in conducting scientific research, taking into account the values of scientific objectivity, validity, impartiality and academic integrity.

Effective leadership and communication

Demonstrates leadership qualities in managing the dental team, defines the action strategy, goals and objectives, manages the resources necessary for change. He/she explains the role of all team members in providing safe and effective dental services, including adherence to the established standards and ethical principles in practice. Communicates effectively, receives and shares information with specialists or non-specialists, verbally or in writing, in Georgian and in English, following the accepted form of professional communication.

Regulation and accountability

Is familiar with the legislation in the field of health care in all aspects of dental practice (health and safety, informed patient consent, infection prevention and control procedures, data protection, use of ionizing radiation) complies with and takes into account the requirements of the regulatory system.

Critical self-assessment

Demonstrates critical self-assessment and peer assessment sharing skills and as a result understands when to seek help or advice. He/she correctly sets the limits of one's own capabilities and reveals professional responsibility for their own actions and decisions.


Safe and Effective Clinical Practice

Understanding biological processes in the body

Understands the biological processes in the body at the molecular, organic and organism levels. Determines the causes and mechanisms of changes in the structure and functions of the human body in case of various diseases based on the evidence and the latest knowledge.

Bio-medical basics of oral health

Understands the scientific foundations of biomedicine related to the oral cavity, understands the etiology and pathogenesis of various systemic diseases and describes their connection with acute and chronic conditions in the oral cavity and jaw. He/she can diagnose and manage diseases based on existing knowledge, including pharmacotherapy.

Describes normal growth of the skull and face and the development of oral tissues, taking into account age-related changes.

Adheres to the basic principles and instructions for infection control and radiation safety during clinical procedures.

Evaluates and uses the results of appropriate imaging methods to diagnose dental diseases. Adequately responds to and manages emergencies in medical and dental practice. Knows the characteristics of dental materials, the advantages and limitations of their use, including environmental issues related to their use.


Patient Centered Care

Behavior management

Is able to detect traces of violence and neglect on the patient and responds appropriately. Is aware of the impact of oral health on the overall health and quality of life, analyzes the risk factors of general and oral health and by applying behavioral sciences has effective communication with patients regarding their behavior changes with age, and taking into account their age, state and needs. Manages oral health with age, condition and special needs in mind.

Clinical information gathering and diagnosis

Properly analyzes and perceives patient complaints, genetic, social, and dental history. He/she can complete the patient's history. Carries out oral and external examination of the soft and cool tissues of the oral cavity. Uses additional diagnostic methods as needed and makes an accurate diagnosis based on the information obtained.

Treatment planning, establishing and maintaining oral health

In the treatment planning and treatment process, takes into account the age, individual and special needs, requirements and values of each patient. He/she Identifies psychosocial factors that may complicate treatment planning, medical care, and follow-up.

Knows and uses clinical-laboratory and instrumental methods of early and differential diagnosis in the field of dentistry.

Performs direct and indirect restorations, performs functional, aesthetic restoration of dentition and replacement of unsuccessfully made structures.

Evaluates the outcome of treatment, establishes a monitoring program, and maintains the outcome of the treatment received, involving other dental team and medical professionals as needed. Performs infiltrative and regional anesthesia for surgical and non-surgical procedures and manages potential complications.

Performs extraction, plans and performs dental implants. Develops strategies to maintain the patient's oral health. Performs prophylactic procedures and minimally invasive procedures to prevent diseases of the soft and cool tissues of the oral cavity and promote health.


Dentistry and Society

Understands demographic and health trends in the context of the national and global health systems - the impact of political, social and economic factors on public health; recognizes the need to promote healthcare in the community, analyzes the role of dental care in primary healthcare.

Is familiar with oral and systemic diseases, along with the associated risk factors that are recognized as public health problems.

Recognizes the importance and limitations of behavior change at the population level and analyzes the importance of professional advocacy for public health in promoting disease prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Evaluates general and oral health policies in the field of health, identifies examples of best public health policies and strategies, evaluates public health measures in terms of equal access, quality and outcomes.


General Outcomes

Has the ability of analysis and synthesis
Has the ability to manage information
Has the ability of problem solving, critical thinking and decision making.
Has the ability to work independently
Has the ability to renew learning / knowledge permanently
Has the capacity to adapt to new situations



The teaching methodology used in the program integrates theoretical and practical teaching, development of practical and clinical skills in laboratory, simulation and clinical environment. The teaching methodology of each course or module corresponds to the objectives of the specific discipline and the expected learning outcomes. When selecting a methodology, the content, format and specific characteristics of the subject are also taken into account.

Interactive lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory trainings will be the main components of the learning process during the seminars. Methods of explanation, discussion, illustration, induction / deduction, problem-based teaching, synthesis and analysis will be used. At the initial stage of training, clinical skills will be developed using appropriate simulators, mannequins, and role-playing games between physician and patient. Next, skills will be refined in a clinical setting, with the student's direct involvement and contact with the patient's chair, his or her examination and treatment.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following methodology will be used:


A creative process in which a lecturer and a student are involved simultaneously. The main purpose of the lecture is to understand the basic provisions of the training course. The lecture can be didactic or interactive. In addition, it is important to provide the correct definitions, guidelines and assumptions and to creatively analyze key issues, facts and ideas. The lecture provides a scientific and logical delivery of the basic provisions of the subject, which is not laden with unnecessary details. Therefore, it is logically planned and conducted. In addition, the lecturer uses facts, examples, tables, drawings, and other visual material to illustrate his or her thought and material. The lecture provides an accurate analysis of the dialectical process in science and is based on the student's ability to think freely in a specific environment, understanding basic scientific problems and clinical value. The lecture can include the following activities: demonstration, discussion, induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis.


a student or a group of students performs specific activities (based on acquired knowledge), obtains and processes additional information, etc. It includes speeches, discussions, conclusions.


is the process of presenting a specific topic to the audience in a limited time. It is usually a demonstration, designed to inform, persuade, or deserve kindness. It can be performed individually, in pairs or in groups. A presentation in interdisciplinary modules is integrated. This method helps to develop communication skills and to understand one issue in different disciplines.

Problem-based learning – PBL

The session involves 7-10 students working around one problem under the supervision of a facilitator. Effective teamwork is an important part of PBL, as well as finding resources independently, setting one’sown learning goals, being able to learn independently and presenting own conclusions to the group, helping the student to apply knowledge in practice and develop communication skills. This method is used in the disciplines of life sciences and it facilitates the clinical integration of interdisciplinary medical knowledge. This method also promotes the development of analytical thinking skills as well as the skills of analysis, synthesis, teamwork and independent learning. In addition, student develops collaborative skills for study, work, clinical reasoning and decision making, as well as participation in medical discussions and communication with colleagues and professionalism.

Case-based Learning / Case-based discussion (CBL, CBD)

s an active method where students read and discuss complex, evidence-based clinical cases or standard patients. Students work in small groups to prepare thematic assignments and solve specific problems. Under the supervision of a lecturer, students review the case, generate ideas during a brainstorming, diagnose, determine additional examination and establish a treatment plan. The method develops the following skills: teamwork, clinical reasoning, analysis and synthesis.

Laboratory work

Independent practical application of theoretical knowledge in a non-clinical setting. The student works with a microscope and with various laboratory equipment and independently carries out the experiment, works on the dissecting of cadavers and provides the lab report. This method encourages the development of practical skills and precisely working skills with the equipment.

Teaching in a simulated environment(TSE)

Training in an environment close to reality, where anatomical molds, cadavers, simulated mannequins, phantoms, simulated mock or interactive (Body Interct)patient are used. In this case, students master both knowledge and clinical skills, perform manipulations, as well as role-play where students perform the roles of a doctor and a patient.

Teaching in a clinical environment (TCE)

Clinical visits are conducted during the first two years when the student simply attends and observes the process, and from the third year begins as a clinical rotation at the clinic when the student attends and in some cases participates (within the limits allowed) in the process; In the fifth year, clinical practice is intensively involved in the process under the supervision of a supervisor. In the case of clinical rotations and clinical practice, training with the patient in bed is often used.


The assessment methods and components of each course are in line with the objectives of that component and are logically linked to the learning outcomes of the program. Oral and written tests are used to assess knowledge and skills. Formative as well as summative assessment are used in the program. The program components include elements of assessment, self-assessment, and peer assessment by the lecturer / mentor / tutor.

Assessment of Practical Activity

The student will work on phantom models, perform syllabus-defined manipulations and will be assessed according to the accuracy and quality of the manipulation. This method helps to develop the student's practical skills.

Assessment of Directly Observed Procedural Skills(DOPS)

The student will perform a specific manipulation (e.g. measuring blood pressure). The student's ability to perform clinical manipulation in an accurate sequence and with quality will be assessed. The method can be used both in clinical and simulation settings.

Mini-Clinical Examination (Mini-CEX)

Performed in a clinical setting (simulation or patient care) within student’s individual work with the patient, during which the student manages the patient from start to finish. Skills of medical interviewing, completing medical history, physical examination, confidentiality, adequate risk assessment, planning future examinations and treatment directions, and self-efficacy and patient referral are assessed.

Objectively Structured Clinical Exam OSCE

Conducted in a simulated environment to assess practical clinical skills and clinical thinking on mannequins, phantoms, simulated and standardized patients. The test must include at least 10 stations. It is permissible to integrate different clinical subjects.

Objectively Structured Practical Exam OSPE

Conducted to assess skills in working with microscopes and laboratory equipment in biomedical subjects. This method also assesses students’ skills to correctly identify drugs.

Student knowledge is assessed on a 100-point scale, which includes:

written assignments, verbal and written quizzes, problem-based learning, case-based learning, presentation MCQ determined individually for each course or module
0-40 points 0-20 points 0-40 points

A student receives credit if he/she accumulates 51 points out of 100 points and crosses the appropriate threshold imposed by the course

Student Knowledge Assessment System

91-100 (A) Excellent
81-90 (B) Very good
71-80 (C) Good
61-70 (D) Medium
51-60 (E) Satisfactory
41-50 (FX) Failed - Student has the right to take the exam
0-40 (F) Interrupted - the student has to go through the course / block again

Learning Spaces

BAU Campus

Bau International University, Batumi operates in a new building with well-equipped auditoriums, computer classes, teaching and research laboratories and a library. State-of-the-art infrastructure and opportunities to collaborate with partner clinics ensure the development of clinical/practical and scientific-research skills.

There are 9 teaching and 1 research laboratories in the campus, as well as classes for teaching in a simulation environment:

- Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology;
- Pharmacogenetics Laboratory and Real Time PCR Laboratory;
- Laboratory of Cytology and Histology and Physiology;
- Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;
- Laboratory of Clinical and Professional Dental Skills;
- Technical Laboratory of Dental Prostheses;
- Dental Clinic Simulation Laboratory;
- Anatomy and PBL / CBL class;
- OSCE Center
- Anatomical Dissection Laboratory.


Dental Labs

The Clinical and Professional Dental Skills Laboratory, with a capacity of 30 students, is an opportunity for students to develop their practical skills and study professional dental procedures on phantoms before completing clinical practice. There are camera systems in the lab that can record high resolution images. In addition, the manipulations performed by the lecturers have a high quality sound. The practical desk is equipped with state-of-the-art dental equipment and automatic LCD monitor systems. During the lecture, students can simultaneously watch, listen and repeat the manipulations performed by the lecturers on their desk. There are a total of 30 phantoms in the laboratory. In accordance with pre-defined treatment plans, students have the opportunity to develop professional knowledge and skills by performing the necessary manipulations on the phantoms. In addition, students will explore ergonomic work positions to work in the correct position.

The Dental Prosthetics Technical Laboratory allows students to explore the laboratory stages of removable and fixed dentures that are made for the patient on real models. The laboratory also has technical laboratory devices equipped with the latest technology, where more than one student can comfortably work, observe and practise on printed materials, plastic, wax, metal, acrylic and ceramic materials.

Dental Clinic Simulation Laboratory allows students to learn how to communicate with a patient in a clinic before treating a patient, they can also acquire clinical skills through simulation games. This lab is an analogue of a real dental practice. In this laboratory students will learn how to sterilize, develop communication skills in relation to simulated patients. Prior to sending the student to the clinic, their competencies will be assessed through the OSCE and DOPS.


BAU University Dental Clinic

Clinical rotations and clinical practice are conducted in a university clinic equipped with 4 modern dental facilities, where it is possible to perform any dental manipulation. In addition, the university clinic has a dental x-ray that allows diagnostic x-rays to be taken on real patients, to discuss them, to plan treatment and to carry out further treatment procedures. The University Clinic adheres to modern standards of sterilization, which is carried out using the appropriate tools for packaging and sterilization autoclave. Besides, the clinic is equipped with appropriate tools and materials in all areas of dentistry.

Clinical practice is also conducted in dental clinics affiliated with the University