


The following documents are required, and must be submitted to the relevant Faculty:

  • High-school graduation diploma GCE A levels;
  • Transcript of the academic record;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Internationally accepted English Language Certificate if available (minimum required level - B2);
  • Turkey National Exam Certificate with the result of being in the list of first 50000 students for the Medicine program and 80000 for Dentistry (For Turkish citizens only)
  • The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) (for Indian Citizens only)


The following documents are required, and must be submitted to the relevant Faculty:

  • Original high-school graduation diploma;
  • Certificate of passing the unified national exams;
  • 4 biometric 3x4 photos;
  • Military duty certificate or proof of registration for military service (for males only);
  • Tuition fee payment bank receipt;


BAU students have the right to:

  • Receive a quality education and participate in scientific research;
  • Use the material and technical resources of BAU, including the library, information and other resources;
  • Receive complete information about the education programmes at BAU and to request syllabi for training courses;
  • Demand a fair assessment of their knowledge and to appeal examination results in cases where it is warranted;
  • Receive qualified advice from an authorized person on educational programmes, training courses, exam deadlines and formats, or any other issues related to the educational process;
  • Periodically evaluate the work of academic and administrative staff;

All BAU students must:

  • Familiarize themselves regularly with the BAU administrative acts related to the learning process;
  • Inform the University Learning Process Management Department/Student Support Department/ Faculty Learning Process Management Service about any changes in their personal information in the electronic learning management system;


A credit is a unit that expresses the learning load required for a student and which can be obtained after achieving learning outcomes;

The workload of a student in a Medical Doctor / Doctor of Dental Medicine programme during the 12/10 semesters is at least 360/300 credits;

A student workload averages 60 credits per academic year (30 credits per semester);



Financial registration

Passing financial Registration implies full or partial payment of the tuition fee for admission to the Fall or Spring semester and is a prerequisite for passing academic registration.

Financial registration

Passing financial Registration implies full or partial payment of the tuition fee for admission to the Fall or Spring semester and is a prerequisite for passing academic registration.

Academic registration

Academic registration carried out for training courses through the electronic learning management system -

Changes or cancellation of a training course is allowed up to within 1 week from the course’s beginning date.

Students have active status once they have completed both the Administrative and Academic Registrations.



Each student receives their own profile to enter the electronic Learning Management System ( when registering for the first semester. 

Download Manual


A different tuition fee may be fixed for a separate education programme in accordance with the rules established by law.

A student with partial funding must cover the difference between state funding and the total fee within the timeframe established for the administrative registration. 

The cost per credit in additional semesters of an educational programme is 108,3 USD.

Tuition fees can be paid at any Banks situated in Georgia or in another country.

For any problem connected with the payment of tuition fees, students can contact the BAU Finance Department (BAU, First Building, Room № 11).



Internal mobility

Internal Mobility: BAU students are entitled to change their educational programme either by internal transfer within a faculty or by changing to the educational programme of another faculty of BAU.

Internal mobility can be carried out on from the student's personal profile.

The right to transfer is valid only after one semester of study is completed. This does not include the time a student has suspended status.

The possibility of transfer is competitive, and dependent on class availability. A student’s results in the Unified National Examinations (competition score) must exceed the scores of other mobility applicants.

Internal mobility

Transfer to BAU from another institution of higher learning is carried out according to the rules  administered by the Legal Entity of Public Law- Education Management Information System via electronic portal (



The following can act as a basis for a student status suspension:

  • A student’s personal application (regardless the reason);
  • Studying at a foreign higher educational institution (except exchange programs);
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, childcare;
  • Health condition;
  • Financial debts to the teaching university;
  • Mandatory military service;
  • Failure to go through an academic and financial registration;
  • If criminal charges are filed against him/her resulting in imprisonment before and after the sentence becomes effective.


  • Student status suspension means exemption from the teaching university and from the student rights and responsibilities without terminating a student status;
  • Student status can be suspended for 5 (five) years. Afterwards, the student status is terminated.
  • After the deadline, students lose the right to suspend their status and owe the tuition fee for the following semesters.
  • A tuition fee is not refunded to the student with a suspended student status. If student status is restored the paid tuition fee will cover the fee for a respective semester.


The following can act as a basis for a student status termination:

  • A student’s personal application;
  • Completion of the educational program;
  • Transfer to another educational institution with mobility;
  • Termination of 5 years term after a student status suspension;
  • Violation of the student code of ethics leading to a student status termination;
  • Attending the same educational course three times in succession without earning necessary amount of credits;
  • Death;

Within one year from the issuance of the order on termination of the student's status, the student's status is considered suspended and the student is entitled to exercise external transfer;

When student status is suspended, its reactivation is made on the basis of passing the Unified National Examinations; without passing the Unified National Examinations, students with the right to study are granted student status in accordance with other rules established by law.



Types of midterm/block exams and assessment

A block exam is conducted either in a test or a combined format (a test and a case) using a computer. In case an exam is conducted only in a test format, a test includes closed multiple choice questions. A maximum assessment of a block exam is 40 points.

In case of a combined block exam in addition to a test a situational case or a clinical case (written discussion) is used with maximum assessment reaching 5 or 10 points depending on a level of difficulty. Maximum assessment of a block exam is 40 points.

Each subject in a test part within a block exam has 20 % threshold. If a student fails to pass this threshold even in one subject, the exam will be considered failed.

A midterm exam is conducted in a written, test or an oral form considering learning outcomes of a course as described in a course syllabus. Maximum assessment of each midterm exam is 20 points.

A written midterm exam includes:

a) Selection of one topic out of several -maximum assessment 20 points
b) Four questions from different topics- maximum assessment of each question 5 points
c) A situational task or a clinical case (written discussion), maximum assessment 5 or 10 points depending on a level of difficulty.

A test exam includes closed multiple choice questions (0.4 point) or an open question, omitted word insertion or writing down explanation. In this case one question is assessed with maximum 1 point.

Types of a final exam and its assessment

Prerequisites for allowing a student on a final exam is determined individually for each course and is described in a syllabus. Passing 60-80 % assessment threshold in clinical reasoning and skills is a prerequisite for allowing a student on exams in clinical subjects. Final exams are mainly conducted in a combined manner.

A block (Integrated) final exam is conducted in a combined format including an oral and a written part. Maximum assessment 40 points.

Final exams in each course differ and combine written, test, oral, project preparation and defense, OSCE, OSPE, MiniCex, 360-degree assessment methods.

All written exams are conducted through an electronic management platform KEYPS.

A final exam is considered passed, if a student passes 50, 55 or 60 % threshold (according to courses).

A student is awarded a credit in case exam thresholds are passed and 51-100 points are accumulated.

A final assessment of learning outcomes regarded by a program includes five positive and two negative types of assessments.

A student is assessed through ECTS system according to the following scheme:

Points Assessment GPA (Grade Value)
91-100 (A) Excellent 4.0
81-90 (B) Very good 3.0
71-80 (C ) Good 2.0
61-70 (D) Satisfactory 1.0
51-60 (E) Sufficient 0.5
41-50 (FX) Did not pass – a student needs more work to undertake and is given one additional right to retake an exam with independent work 0.0
0-40 (F) Fail -a work undertaken by a student is not sufficient and he/she needs to retake a course 0.0

100-point assessment is adopted for all components of an educational program as well as for other types of works.



Upon completion of the higher education programme, the graduate is awarded the relative degree/qualification.

A Diploma and an appendix shall be issued in the name of the graduate.